Saturday, February 26, 2011

Painted Ladies by Robert Parker

Title: Painted Ladies
Author: Robert Parker
Did I listen or read?: Got the book via library hold
When did I finish?: February 23, 2011
When was the book published: 2010 - the last book the Parker wrote, I believe. The copyright notice says: "The Robert Parker Estate"
Main Characters: Spenser, Susan. No Hawk. Lots of Belson, Quirk and Healy. Ashton Prince, expert in low country paintings. Pearl and a dog from NY called Otto.Winifred and Missy Minor. The Hertzberg Foundation to recover stolen works of art from WWII.
What happens? Spenser is hired to protect Ashton Prince who is handing over a ransom to get Lady with a Fish or something like that back. He gets the painting back and it explodes and kills him. Spenser decides that he failed, and has to find out what happened so that he can have a clean conscience. He and Susan talk and screw, screw and talk.
How long was this? 290 pages
Did I like this? Darn tootin. Parker writes a great story. I read this in 2.5 days. Doesn't hurt when Pearl gets a boyfriend! Time to go back and make sure I have read EVERY Spenser novel.
Overall grade: A

Monday, February 14, 2011

Long Lost by Harlan Coben

Title: Long Lost
Author: Harlan Coben
Did I listen or read?: Read the paperback
When did I finish?: Feb 13, 2011
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters: Myron Bolitar, his friend Win, long lost girllove Terese Cousins, a charming French detective/intelligence guy
What happens? Myron gets a call from Terese, 8 years lost, calling him to Paris. She needs help, but doesn't say why. His current lady friend dumps him and off he goes. Terese's ex-husband has reached out to her - he's a famous investigative reporter who has stumbled onto some kind of terrorist thing, and he is dead, and she needs help. And she had a kid who got killed in an auto accident that was her fault, and...
How long was this? maybe 300 pages
Did I like this? Hey-it's Harlan Coben, so you better believe it is a page turner. Not his best work, and Myron's friend Win is a little hard to take. But overall, yeah, it's good stuff with plenty of action. The opening fight over the mean coach who picks on Myron's girlfriend's kid is - well, he could have done better.
Overall grade: B+

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Lion by Nelson Demille

Title: The Lion
Author: Nelson Demille
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: early February 2011 while traveling for business on my first FrontRange trip in Europe
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: John Corey as the wisecracking former NYPD detective, his wife, Asad Khalil is the super evil, revenge seeking Lion, trained by Boris the former Russian KGB agent.
What happens? Khalil returns to the US to murder Corey and everyone else associated with a bombing attack that killed his family. His effort is supported by Al Qaeda, who has him on a separate mission of terror. Khalil gets Kate during a recreational sky diving adventure.
How long was this? about 400 pages
Did I like this? You can't go wrong with Nelson DeMille. Reading this after Scott Turow and before Harlan Coben means I am getting used to great writing one after the other, and I love it. The plot drags a bit as Corey waits and waits and waits for the Lion to make his move. He mixes Corey's entertaining narrative with Khalil's viewpoint told perfectly from his viewpoint.
Overall grade: A-. A real page turner, but it does go a bit too long in the "when will he finally attack" phase.