Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blood Work by Michael Connelly

Title: Blood Work
Author: Michael Connelly
Did I listen or read?: Read the library work
When did I finish?: March 3, 2011
When was the book published: 1998
Main Characters: Terry McAleb, former FBI agent, his neighbor in the next boar, Buddy Lockridge, Graciela Rivers and her nephew Raymond (Glory's son), Jaye Winston as a reasonable cop who works with him
What happens? Glory Torres is senselessly murdered, and her heart turns up in Terry's chest. He's an ex-FBI agent living on a boat while he recovers from the heart transplant. Gracelia (Glory's sister) figures out the connection and puts him to work to figure out what happened. The plot soars and dips, but catches you by surprise in the end.
How long was this? 390 pages
Did I like this? This is an early Michael Connelly, and overall it was very enjoyable. It was a bit slow through the first third, but the plot and the relationships take off, and the twists are way too complex to figure out. Definitely a solid mystery by a solid writer.
Overall grade: B+