Saturday, September 24, 2011

One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy by Stephen Tunney

Title: One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy
Author: Stephen Tunney
Did I listen or read?: read an advanced reading copy that I bought at Fort Mason for a dollar, during Jacob's improv show.
When did I finish?: late August 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Hieronymus Rexaphin and his girlfriend Slue (both 100%.) The dumb kids, Loopies, Clellen and Bruegel. An earth girl, Windows Falling on Sparrows
What happens? Interesting science fiction, the moon has been colonized under a giant oxygen tent or something, and a few folks on the moon have the "4th color" in their eyes, and if a normal human looks at them, they lose their minds. They all have to wear glasses to hide this to maintain order. There is a persistent cop on HR's trail because he winds up breaking the rule.
How long was this? 308 pages
Did I like this? Parts of it were interesting science fiction. The plot was unique and exciting a bit in the second half. It was challenging reading through the frustrating naming and language conventions ("They all got on the 'Johnwayneicus Laboratorium Highway, and he said 'what in the name of jesus and pixie are you doing?" The characters weren't well developed...just kinda frustrating, but entertaining.
Overall grade: B-

Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich

Title: Smokin' Seventeen
Author: Janet Evanovich
Did I listen or read?: read library book
When did I finish?: Sep 18, 2011
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: usual group (Stephanie, Lula, Connie, Joe Morelli, Ranger, parents, grandparetns); ex high school football star and chef Dave Brewer, Mooner
What happens?: Vinnie's bail bonds has burned down, they are working out of Mooner's mobile home, and people are leaving dead bodies in the lot. Someone is tagging these with notes for Stephanie. And a bunch of mob stuff that I don't remember.
How long was this? 308 pages
Did I like this? entertaining at points, same repetition repeated from previous books
Overall grade: C

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Star Island by Carl Hiaasen

Title: Star Island
Author: Carl Hiaasen
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: labor day 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Cherry Pye, teen singer, her parents Janet and Stan(?), Skink aka ex Governor Clinton Tyree, and Jim Tile, state trooper, Bang Abbot, paparazzi, Ann Delusia, stunt double for Cherry Pye
What happens? Skink wreaks havoc with some messed up real estate developers, and Bang gets too close to Cherry Pye and kidnaps her double. Skink kinda falls for Ann and they are the only interesting people
How long was this? 377 pages
Did I like this? entertaining and lots of laughs, but you really don't care about the people or what happens to them.
Overall grade: B-

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bank of the Black Sheep by Robert Lewis

Title: Bank of the Black Sheep
Author: Robert Lewis
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: August 2011 on biz trip to Germany
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Robert Llywelyn
What happens? He wakes up with amnesia in a hospice. He has terminal cancer and has two months to live. Oh, and he is handcuffed to the bed. He proceeds to try to find out who he is, what he was up to, and gets involved with counterfeit money.
How long was this? 277 pages
Did I like this? This was a really original idea, as this guy faces death, is very weak physically, has no resources, and tries to tie together what he was up to and make amends for evil ways of the past.
Overall grade: A-

Keepers of the Gate by Jon Land

Title: Keepers of the Gate
Author: Jon Land
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: business trip to DE, Aug 18
When was the book published: 2001
Main Characters: Palestinian American detective Ben Kamal and his colleague Danielle Barnea. Weatlhy billionaire and Israeli hero Paul Kessler
What happens? Two plots - someone is out to kill Kessler, and someone is killing teenagers who were friends at a special Palestinian - Israeli high school. They get mixed up with Nazi war criminals being hunted by a group in Israel.
How long was this? 325
Did I like this? Ok, not great, moved reasonably well.
Overall grade: B