Friday, August 24, 2012

High Profile by Robert Parker

Title: High Profile
Author: Robert B. Parker
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: August 15, 2012
When was the book published: 2007
Main Characters:  Jesse Stone, Sonny Randall, Walton Weeks - talk show celebrity (dead), Jesse's ex wife, cop Molly Crane, 
What happens?  Walton Weeks is found hanging from a tree, and his girlfriend, pregnant with his baby is found in a dumpster.  Jesse's ex-wife claims she was raped, and Sonny (who is dating Jesse) protects her.  I can't remember who did the deed with Weeks.
How long was this? 290 pages
Did I like this? okay, not great
Overall grade: B-

The Litigator by John Grisham

Title:  The Litigator
Author: John Grisham
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Aug 1, 2012
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: David Zinc is a lawyer in a machine, has a breakdown, and walks away.  He stumbles into the inept 2 man firm of Finley and Figg, where Oscar Finley is desperate to leave his wife and retire, and Wally Figg is desperate to find the big payday and strike it rich.  They stumble on a drug case for a heart drug that is supposedly killing people, and take on Varrick Labs.  Zinc and wife Helen gradually stabilize their lives and develop their own identity-they stumble on a immigrant boy with severe lead poisoning, and act honorably to help him and his family.

What happens? see above
How long was this? 350 pages ?
Did I like this? Grisham's recent work hasn't been great, but this one is fun, quirky, enjoyable.  It doesn't have the page turning passion of The Firm, but it is a great story with twists and turns.

Overall grade:A-

Saturday, August 11, 2012

What Dies In Summer by Tom Wright

Title: What Dies in Summer
Author: Tom Wright
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: August 11, 2012
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: James "Biscuit", cousin L.A. (Lee Ann), gay friend Dee Campion, Diana Chamfort and father Don, the cop, Gram of course, mom and boyfriend Jack, Aunt Rachel and Uncle Cam
What happens? Biscuit tells the story of his summer, starting with L.A. moving in with him and Gram, and their adventures, and finding a dead body, and fishing in Minnesota, and the visions and dreams and wandering thoughts.
Quote:  page 199:  "What I believe, dear, is that perhaps God is beside the point.  We are not given reliable instructions, we are not rescued from our troubles, and our obligations in the world remain the same whether a supernatural being is watching us and keeping score or not.  Do you understand?"  Dr. Kepler, family friend on her death bed to Biscuit.
How long was this? 284 pages
Did I like this? a coming of age story that switches to a murder mystery that switches to america's most dysfunctional family, brilliant at times, slow at times
Overall grade: B+

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Drop by Michael Connelly

Title: The Drop
Author: Michael Connelly
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: August 7, 2012
When was the book published: November 2011
Main Characters: Harry Bosch, partner David Chu, reclusive boss Gail Duvall, love interest Hannah Stone, Clayton Pell, politician Irvin Irving, daughter Maddie, Kiz Rider
What happens?  Harry is working in Open Unsolved and past enemy Irvin Irving insists that Harry investigate the apparent suicide of his son, George, a political fixer.  At the same time, he is working a cold case where there is a DNA hit from the evidence that matches to a sexual offender who was 8 at the time of the murder.
How long was this?  533 pages, large type
Did I like this? High jingo.  Top notch. Great characters, great plot
Overall grade: A+

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

Title:  The Power of Habit
Author: Charles Duhigg
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Aug 4, 2012
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: non-fiction
What happens? I learned from this book the basic habit cycle.  Cue, followed by Routine, followed by Reward.  The author maintains that successful change involves changing the routine.  Identify the cue and the reward, and change the routine - substitute something that produces the reward.  If people overeat while being social, find a substitute social activity that doesn't have too many calories.  The author tells some great stories, especially about the guy who took over Alcoa when it was totally dysfunctional, and focused them on safety.  This singular focus got the company to pull together, allowed them to set up a first intranet and email system.  The guy was a brilliant leader who always questioned and drove everyone to a better result.  In remembering this, it is very difficult to tie this to habits.  Same for Rhode Island Hospital - they learned how to improve quality of care by taking advantage of a crisis.  A fascinating story, but again, 2 days after I read it, it is hard for me to describe how it ties to habits.  Even his story in the appendix about his cookie eating habit disappoints, because he provides a method to identify the cue, and then says it is "time" - but I was not able to spot this from the evidence.
How long was this? 280 pages (not including notes)
Did I like this? It was interesting and a fast read, but I was disappointed to have few tools and specifics about the role of habits and how to change.  He lacks Malcolm Gladwell's magic touch to tie it all together.
Overall grade: C+