Saturday, October 31, 2015

Tumbledown by Robert Boswell

Title: Tumbledown
Author: Robert Boswell
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: October 27, 2015 in Austin
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: James Candler, counselor, Elizabeth Ray, who stalks him, fiance Libby, sister Violet.  best friend Billy, patients Mick Coury, Vex, pretty Karly
What happens? Candler is a counselor for psychologically troubled teens, engaged to marry Libby, Violet's May-September husband dies.  Candler is up for promotion to lead the center where he works when he is forced to look at his life and make choices
How long was this? 429 pages
Did I like this? Good in some places, too long in others.  A very real like at schizophrenia and other sad mysteries of the brain, well done but hard to read.
Overall grade: B

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Jezebel Remedy by Martin Clark

Title:  The Jezebel Remedy
Author: Martin Clark
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: October 17, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Joe and Lisa Stone, country lawyers, Seth Garrison, evil business man, Lettie Van Sandt - crazy character with animals overrunning her trailer home
What happens?  Joe is working with Lettie on a steady of stream of nonsensical suits, and she turns up dead, and her son Neal comes in and Joe relinquishes all rights to her estate.  Except that she has a very valuable invention and Garrison's evil Benecorp wants it.  A really interesting one of a kind plot.
How long was this? 382 pages
Did I like this?  Really good writer, very unique story
Overall grade: A-

Hell's Gate by Stephen Frey

Title: Hell's Gate
Author: Stephen Frey
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: October 4, 2015
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters: Hunter Lee, his brother, firefighter Paul brule
What happens? Hunter's marriage and Manhattan lawyer life are falling apart as he wins a huge victory against a regional railroad who knowingly tried to cover an accident on side tracking by claiming it had been changed to main tracking.  He winds up in the middle of Montana trying to solve the fire mystery where someone is setting forest fires to bring in more revenue.  Is it the guy who flies the firefighters?  The person who makes money selling the firefighters food?  Or one of the other cast?  I can't remember.
How long was this? 326 pages
Did I like this?  It was OK, just a little forced and not wholly believable.
Overall grade: B

Savage Season by Joe Lansdale

Title: Savage Season
Author: Joe Lansdale
Did I listen or read?: Nook
When did I finish?: September 28, 2015
When was the book published:
Main Characters: Hap, Leonard, Trudy - Hap's old girlfriend
What happens? Trudy reappears and introduces Hap to a scheme with her current boyfriend Howard to raise an old boat from a nearby swamp that has a bunch of cash.  
How long was this? 160 pages
Did I like this? Not as incredible as Paradise Sky, but he definitely creates great characters and wrote a unique story with a great plot.
Overall grade: A-

Charm City by Laura Lippman

Title: Charm City
Author: Laura Lippman
Did I listen or read?: Nook book
When did I finish?: September 22, 2015
When was the book published:
Main Characters: Tess Monaghan
What happens? "When someone at the Beacon-Light leaks an unfavorable story about the millionaire planning on bringing an NBA team to Baltimore, Tess Monaghan is hired to figure how who spilled the beans. At the same time, she's trying to figure out who put her uncle in the hospital and if it has anything to do with the greyhound in her possession.
How long was this? 
Did I like this? Good, entertaining, not great
Overall grade:B