Sunday, February 28, 2016

L.A. Requiem By Robert Crais

Title: L.A. Requiem
Author: Robert Crais
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: February 17, New Zealand
When was the book published: 1999
Main Characters: Elvis Cole, Joe Pike, Karen Garcia, daughter of Frank Garcia
What happens? This book gives the complete exposition of Joe Pike's upbringing, military experience and how he did the right thing and got tossed out of the police force when his partner died.  They investigate the murder of Karen Garcia.  And Elvis's girlfriend leaves him and goes back to New Orleans.
How long was this? 391 pages
Did I like this? Love everything Crais writes.  pretty sure this was my 2nd time through this one.  gotta go back and get them all.
Overall grade: A

Detroit Shuffle by D.E. Johnson

Title: Detroit Shuffle
Author: D.E. Johnson
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: February 13, 2016 in New Zealand
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters:Will Anderson, amateur sleuth, lover Elizabeth hume, nemesis Sapphira Zanaxis, Andrew Sullivan, head of the Michigan Liquor Associations
What happens? 1912 in Detroit, and the woman's suffrage movement is pushing forward, and is considered aligned with the suffrage movement, which means it has powerful opponents.  Will works for his father's electric car company, but is caught in the middle of political intrigue and attempted murder.  His exposure to radiation (previous book?) makes him black out and appear unreliable.
How long was this?  329 pages
Did I like this? Pretty good - the main character makes some ridiculous decisions and judgements, but the plot moves and is believable.
Overall grade: B

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Indigo Slam by Robert Crais

Title:  Indigo Slam
Author: Robert Crais
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 2/6/16
When was the book published:  1997
Main Characters: Elvis Cole, Joe Pike, three Hewitt kids (Teri, Charles, Winona,) Clark Hewitt, Markov, Dobcek
What happens? Three Hewitt kids come to Elvis to find their father who has been gone for 11 days.  He is up to no good, and the Vietnamese and Russian mobs get involved
How long was this? 241 pages
Did I like this? Top notch Elvis Cole
Overall grade: A