Monday, December 24, 2018

Monkeys Raincoat by Robert Crais

Title: Monkey's Raincoat
Author: Robert Crais
Did I listen or read?: Audible
When did I finish?: December 23, 2018
When was the book published: long time ago
Main Characters: Elvis Cole, Joe Pike.
What happens? Elvis helps a lady locate her mediocre agent husband who got tangled up with a mexican ex-matador gangster
How long was this?
Did I like this? pretty good, early Elvis is kind of  jerk
Overall grade: B+

Blood Feud by Mike Lupica

Title: Blood Feud
Author: Mike Lupica
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 12/15/2018
When was the book published: 
Main Characters: Sonny Randall, her ex-husband, a bunch a gangsters, her ex-brother-in-law and nieces
What happens? Two plots, gangsters from Providence and two daughters being threatened
How long was this?
Did I like this? pretty good, Lupica's good
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Chomp by Carl Hiaasen

Title: Chomp
Author: Carl Hiaasen
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: December 6, 2018
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: Wahoo, Tuna, Tuna's dad Mike, Derek Badger
What happens?  reality tv star Derek uses Mike's animal wrangling service for an episode. Chaos and Hilarity ensue - esp. when Tuna's dad comes hunting for her
How long was this? 300 pages
Did I like this? a breeze
Overall grade: A-

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Shell Game by Sarah Peretsky

Title: Shell Game
Author: Sarah Peretsky
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: November 31, 2018
When was the book published: 2018
Main Characters: VI Warshawsky, her nieces, and her friend the doctor's nephew Felix
What happens? Two plots.  One of her two nieces is missing, and Felix is involved with some possible terrorist stuff.
How long was this?
Did I like this? OK, kinda rambles a bit.  Lots of characters, a bit hard to follow
Overall grade: B