Saturday, February 15, 2020

Laguna Heat by T. Jefferson Parker

Title: Laguna Heat
Author: T. Jefferson Parker
Did I listen or read?: dollar tree book
When did I finish?: 2/12/2020
When was the book published: 1985
Main Characters: Det. Tom Shephard, father Wade, Tim Algernon and Hope, murdered and burned, Joe who owns the tennis club resort
What happens? Shephard investigates a murder that leads back to his own mother's death when he was a boy, all centered around the tennis club in Laguna Beach, where his father is a preacher ex-cop, and he has returned after shooting a teenage boy in LA
How long was this? 340 pages
Did I like this? Very good, yes - and only a dollar!
Overall grade: A-

The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell

Title: The Family Upstairs
Author: Lisa Jewell
Did I listen or read?: audible
When did I finish?: 2/11/2020
When was the book published: 2019
Main Characters: Libby Jones (the baby), Finn, Henry, Lucy and her two kids, David Thompsen, Birdy, Sally
What happens? Grown up kids remembering when their Chelsea home was destroyed by a megalomaniac
How long was this? 340 pages
Did I like this? very good, suspenseful, great characters, love and evil
Overall grade: A-

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Second Sleep by Robert Harris

Title: The Second Sleep
Author: Robert Harris
Did I listen or read?: kindle from library loan
When did I finish?: Jan 28, 2020
When was the book published: not sure
Main Characters: The father who travels to the small town after the pastor dies, Lady Durston
What happens? The pastor dies in mysterious circumstances in 1486, but it's not really 1486, it's way in the future and the past (our current world) is gone.
How long was this?
Did I like this? Very good.  Disappointed to find out '1486' but then it turns out to be great science fiction about a version of the future.
Overall grade: A-