Sunday, December 12, 2021

Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty

 Title: Apples Never Fall

Author: Liane Moriarty
Did I listen or read?: kindle
When did I finish?: December 10, 2021
When was the book published: 2021
Main Characters: The Delaney family, Stan, Joy, 4 kids (Troy, Amy, Lance, Brooke)
What happens? Joy disappears, and we go back and forward in time to hear what happened at the Delaney Tennis Academy and in their marriage over 30 years
How long was this? 467 pages
Did I like this? well done, good story, good not great twists
Overall grade: B+

Judge's List by John Grisham

 Title:  Judge's List

Author: John Grisham
Did I listen or read?: audible
When did I finish?: December 8, 2021
When was the book published: 2021
Main Characters: Lacey Stoltz, Jeri Crosby, Judge Ross Banek
What happens? Jeri comes to Lacey with evidence that Banek is a lifelong serial killer getting revenge with a steel ball and a 30 inch nylon rope.
How long was this?  357 pages
Did I like this? yes, good story, not dragged out like the Whistler
Overall grade: A-

Saturday, December 4, 2021

The Dark Hours by Michael Connelly

Title: The Dark Hours 
Author: Michael Connelly
Did I listen or read?: Kindle
When did I finish?: November 20, 2021
When was the book published: 2021
Main Characters: Renee Ballard, Harry Bosch, murdered Las Palmas ex-gang member, Midnight Men rapists
What happens? Renee works with a checked out partner on the Midnight Men murders, and catches the ex-gang member murder and follows it up.  She ends wondering if she is going to stay on the force or go private w Harry.  The challenges of policing are presented front and center, from the police viewpoint most often.
How long was this? 400 pages 
Did I like this? Yes, usual great M Connelly stuff.  
Overall grade: A-