Tuesday, July 12, 2022

L.A. Weather by Maria Amparo Escandon

Title: L.A. Weather
Author: Maria Amparo Escandon
Did I listen or read?: Hannah/s free collection
When did I finish?: June 20, 2022
When was the book published: 2021
Main Characters: Oscar, father, Keila, mother, three sisters, Claudia, Patricia, Olivia
What happens? their life story during LA about 2015.  Oscar's almond trees, Claudia's brain tumor, Patricia and son still living w mom and dad 
How long was this? 293 pages
Did I like this? A story with good characters, a snapshot of their lives.  The bonds of family
Overall grade: B

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Six Days in Rome by Francesca Giacco

 Title:  Six Days in Rome

Did I listen or read?: audible
When did I finish?: July 8, 2022
When was the book published: 2022
Main Characters: Emilia, Michael (the ex), John (the new one)
What happens? Not much.  She spends 6 days in Rome and talk endlessly about her relationship and how great it was, and how it ended.
How long was this? 288 pages
Did I like this? Not at all.  Sooooo boring and slow, should have stopped.
Overall grade: C-

The Narrowboat Summer by Anne Youngson

 Title:  The Narrowboat Summer

Author: Anne Youngson
Did I listen or read?: Hannah's pre-release copy
When did I finish?: June 15, 2022
When was the book published: 2021
Main Characters: Three woman, 1 on the boat, 1 just got laid off, 1 just walked from her husband
What happens? A lovely tale of two woman who meet by chance and decide to help the boat-woman who needs cancer treatment, by taking her narrowboat to the repair shop, even though they don't know squat about narrowboats.
How long was this?  336 pages
Did I like this? An enchanting peaceful story, with a bit of action, and the pace of a slow boat trip through the English Countryside
Overall grade: A-

The Searcher by Tana French

 Title: The Searcher

Author: Tana French
Did I listen or read?: Kindle
When did I finish?: June, 2021 I think
When was the book published: 2020
Main Characters: Cal Hopper, a bunch of locals
What happens? Cal is an ex-chicago cop who retires to a small town in Ireland to a house he has to fix up.  There's a missing kid, and his little brother (sister?) comes to Cal for help.
How long was this? 450 pages
Did I like this? Yes, good story
Overall grade: A-

The Night She Disappeared by Lisa Jewell

 Title: The Night She Disappeared

Author: Lisa Jewell
Did I listen or read?: Kindle
When did I finish?: July 10, 2022
When was the book published: 2021
Main Characters: Talullah, mother Kim, Sophie, mystery writer, Zach, father of Talullah's Noah, Scarlett
What happens? Talullah and Zach disappear, leaving Kim (grandmother) in charge of Noah.  Sophie accompanies boyfriend who becomes head of Maypole, where Talullah and Scarlett met.
How long was this? 416 pages
Did I like this? Excellent, page turner, well done.
Overall grade: A-

Friday, July 1, 2022

Just Get Home by Bridget Foley

 Title: Just Get Home

Author: Bridget Foley
Did I listen or read?: hannah collection, paperback
When did I finish?: June 14, 2022
When was the book published: 2021
Main Characters: Beegie, teenage foster kid, Dessa, single mom
What happens? monster LA earthquake, Dessa wants to get home to her kid
How long was this? 340 pages
Did I like this? good story, fast paced, realistic
Overall grade: B+