Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Atonement by Ian McEwan

Title: Atonement
Author: Ian McEwan
Did I listen or read?: powell's paperback
When did I finish?: 1/22/2023
When was the book published: 2001
Main Characters: Briony, sister Cecilia and the rich Tallis family, the housekeeper's kid, Robbie
What happens? Briony gets confused and thinks Robbie attacked cousin Lola after writing Cecilia a love note on the 'vagina' page of Grey's Anatomy.  
How long was this? 350 pages
Did I like this? extreeeeeeeeeemely slow, interesting plot, lots of well drawn scenes
Overall grade: B-


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The Killing Kind by John Connolly

Title: The Killing Kind
Author: John Connolly
Did I listen or read?: book - powells
When did I finish?: 1/10/2023
When was the book published: 2001
Main Characters: Charlie Parker, PI, Grace Parker, PhD researcher.  Mr. Pudd.  Angel and Louis.  Girlfriend Rachel.  Aroostook Baptists
What happens? Rich guy hires Parker to prove that Grace didn't kill herself.  Nasty tangles with murderous religious nuts, spider lovers, The Fellowship.  
How long was this? 363 pages
Did I like this? Well written and fast moving and exciting but dark and nasty and nightmarish
Overall grade: B+

Monday, January 2, 2023

The Third Victim by Lisa Gardner

 Title: The Third Victim

Author: Lisa Gardner
Did I listen or read?: Book - Powell's
When did I finish?: 1/1/2023
When was the book published: 2016 
Main Characters: Rainie Conner, cop in Bakersville, Shep, sheriff, FBI profiler Pierce Quincy
What happens? A school shooting where Shep's son appears to have killed the computer lab teach Miss Avalon and 2 little girls.
How long was this? 369 pages
Did I like this? Good story, fast paced, believable
Overall grade: A-

All the Devils are Here by Louise Penny

 Title: All the Devils are Here

Author: Louise Penny
Did I listen or read?: kindle
When did I finish?: December 25, 2022
When was the book published:  2020 
Main Characters: Armand Gamache #16, wife, Jean Guy, Isabelle, son Danielle and wife, Annie.  Stephen Horowitz, Armand's godfather, mysterious billionaire
What happens? Armand goes to Paris to for the birth of Annie's 2nd, Jean Guy is working this weird corporate job, Armand's son Daniel hates him, and Stephen is in trouble.
How long was this? 439 pages
Did I like this?  good story, ending was quite implausible, but better than their all dying
Overall grade: B+