Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cut, Paste, Kill by Marshall Karp

Title: Cut, Paste, Kill
Author: Marshall Karp
Did I listen or read?: Library Book
When did I finish?: Jan 5, 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Mike Lomax and Terry Biggs, LA wise cracking detectives
What happens? A killer creates scrapbooks of heinous people who deserve to die and then kills them. Lomax and Biggs are led on a wild goose chase tracking them down, involving a lady in prison and an FBI agent, and a bizarre ending.
How long was this? 294 pages
Did I like this? It was OK. They are occasionally amusing, but always trying to be funny and sometimes it amuses, other times just annoys. The plot was fairly well done and I would read one of these again, but am not rushing out to find more.
Overall grade: C+

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