Sunday, July 24, 2011

Unknown Man #89 by Elmore Leonard

Title: Unknown Man #89
Author: Elmore Leonard
Did I listen or read?: Read a Baybooks paperback while touring the Amalfi Coast.
When did I finish?: July 13, 2011
When was the book published: 1977
Main Characters: Jack Ryan, process server. Robert Leary aka Bobby Lear is a bad guy, and Ryan is hired to find him. Dick Speed is his cop friend. Deborah Lee is Bobby's wife and Ryan falls for her. Mr. Perez is the man pulling the strings, has some unclaimed stock.
What happens? Ryan gets hired by a 3rd party to track down Bobby Lear. He gets mixed up with some bad people (Virgil and Tunafish) and ultimately meet's Lear's wife, who is drinking herself to death. Ryan is AA, and decides to help her (but doesn't tell her why he found her in the first place.) Hilarity ensues.
How long was this? 264 pages
Did I like this? Can't go wrong with Elmore Leonard. Great plot, great characters.
Overall grade: A

Bleeding Hearts by Ian Rankin

Title: Bleeding Hearts
Author: Ian Rankin
Did I listen or read?: read a book bought at baybooks while touring the Amalfi Coast and staying at Due Torre in Agerola.
When did I finish?: July 15, 2011
When was the book published: 1994 (2007)
Main Characters: Michael Weston is an assassin and does a job and realizes he has been set up. His friend Max sells him guns, and he winds up with Max's daughter Bel (not Fee, but close enought.) Hoffer is a PI and a druggie pursuing him. Kline is a CIA spook or similiar.
What happens? Weston is a famous assassin and realizes he has been burnt. He manages to get away, but he has to find out who did this to him. A good spy plot with lots of twists and turns.
How long was this? 472 pages but fast.
Did I like this? good spy story. should try others.
Overall grade: A-

Water Like a Stone by Deborah Crombie

Title: Water Like a Stone
Author: Deborah Crombie
Did I listen or read?: read a paperback purchased from Baybooks while hiking the Amalfi Coast and staying at Due Torre in Agerola
When did I finish?: July 20, 2011
When was the book published: 2007
Main Characters: Detective Superintendent Thomas Kincaid lives with Sargeant Gemma James and his son Kit and their son Toby, and go to spend Christmas with Hugh and Rosemary Kincaid, his parents, and Caspar Newcombe, Piers Duttons partner and the husband of Hugh's sister Juliet who has started her own construction business and discovers a baby buried in the wall. Annie Lebow is on her boat, and runs into the Wain family who live on a boat and have problems of their own.
What happens? see above. very long and complicated like an Elizabeth George novel.
How long was this? 388 pages
Did I like this? ok, well done, but way too long.
Overall grade: B- - good story, but too many sub plots, too many characters, too much soap opera. Not sure if I will read another one of these

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Eyes of Prey by John Sanford

Title: Eyes of Prey
Author: John Sanford
Did I listen or read?: library paperback
When did I finish?: July 2 2011 at 6157 Neddy
When was the book published: April 1991
Main Characters: Lucas Davenport. A lunatic doctor named Bekker. His sidekick killer named Druze deformed and abudding actor. Actress Cassie Layne who gets involved with Davenport. Danels. Del.
What happens? Throw momma from the train deal with Druze and Bekker, Bekkers wife and Druzes theater rival. Wife has a lover who stumbles on the murder. Beaker is haunted by the victims and has to cut their eyes. Hilarity ensues.
How long was this?454 paperback.
Did I like this? Pretty good. Can't really get in to Davenport. Very similar plot to the other Sandford I just read.
Overall grade: B
Post written on iPhone.