Sunday, July 24, 2011

Unknown Man #89 by Elmore Leonard

Title: Unknown Man #89
Author: Elmore Leonard
Did I listen or read?: Read a Baybooks paperback while touring the Amalfi Coast.
When did I finish?: July 13, 2011
When was the book published: 1977
Main Characters: Jack Ryan, process server. Robert Leary aka Bobby Lear is a bad guy, and Ryan is hired to find him. Dick Speed is his cop friend. Deborah Lee is Bobby's wife and Ryan falls for her. Mr. Perez is the man pulling the strings, has some unclaimed stock.
What happens? Ryan gets hired by a 3rd party to track down Bobby Lear. He gets mixed up with some bad people (Virgil and Tunafish) and ultimately meet's Lear's wife, who is drinking herself to death. Ryan is AA, and decides to help her (but doesn't tell her why he found her in the first place.) Hilarity ensues.
How long was this? 264 pages
Did I like this? Can't go wrong with Elmore Leonard. Great plot, great characters.
Overall grade: A

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