Friday, December 30, 2011

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

Title: Steve Jobs
Author: Walter Isaacson
Did I listen or read?: Xmas Present, hard cover
When did I finish?: December 29, 2011
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Every one notable from Jobs to Gates to Bill Clinton to Yo Yo Ma
What happens? The real story of who Steve Jobs was.
How long was this? 560 pages
Did I like this? Exceptional - great story. I actually wanted more detail on the product design process, but a great story told well.
Overall grade: A-

Coffin Man by James D. Doss

Title: Coffin Man
Author: James D. Doss
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: December 26, 2011
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Charlie Moon, detective and ranch owner, grandma Daisy Perika, 19 year old Sarah Frank (all Southern Ute indians), white sherrif Scott Parris - then Wanda Naranjo, pregnant daughter Betty, boyfriend Michael (Coffin Man) Kaufman
What happens? convoluted plot about a pregnant teenager who disappears and a cemetery handyman who gets murdered
How long was this? 340 pages
Did I like this? The characters and writing are amazing, the plot is really bad. too confusing, goes on and on. I want to try one more in this series, because I like his breezy, wordy style. Very different
Overall grade: B-

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Legal Tender by Lisa Scottoline

Title: Legal Tender
Author: Lisa Scottoline
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: December 20, 2011
When was the book published: 1996
Main Characters: Bennie Rosato (f), Mark Biscardi, Eve Eberlein, Bill Kleeb and terrorist girlfriend Eileen Jennings
What happens? Bennie's partner Mark dumps her for Eve, then decides to break up the law firm that they founded together. He does corporate law, and she defends the helpless. Tne next day, Mark is dead in his office, and Bennie is set up for it. She follows the trail to Bill Kleeb, and he is murdered, and she is set up for it. Then Eileen Jennings murders the CEO of some big company, and sets her up for that. She has to go underground, and co-worker Grady Wells comes to her rescue.
How long was this? 288 pages
Did I like this? yeah, pretty good, better than the last book I read by her years ago. She has a swarmy humor that I don't love, but this had a fast moving plot.
Overall grade: B+

Treasure Hunt by John Lescroart

Title: Treasure Hunt
Author: John Lescroart
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: Dec 15, 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Mickey Dade, Wyatt Hunt (PI and Mickey's boss,) Alicia Thorpe, Dominic Como, Mickey's sister and Wyatt's receptionist Tamara, and their grandfather Jim Parr
What happens? Dominic Como, the king of SF charity, is found dead. Alicia (former driver and friend/possible lover of Como) is being set up for it. Wyatt and Mickey convince the charitable community to come up with reward money and pay them (as they are nearly out of business) for weeding through anonymous tips. They go to Len Turner, creepy lawyer to the rich and charitable, to set all this up.
How long was this? 350 pages
Did I like this? good story, well done, nothing incredible, but good stuff
Overall grade: B+

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Secret Servant by Daniel Silva

Title: The Secret Servant
Author: Daniel Silva
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Dec 5, 2011
When was the book published: 2007
Main Characters: Gabriel Allon, israeli spy. Elizabeth Halton, daughter to the us ambassador gets kidnapped.
What happens? Allon goes to clean up after an asset in Amsterdam is murdered. He stumbles into the islamic takeover of Europe and the world, and single handedly has to stop them. Good exciting story.
How long was this? 380 pages
Did I like this? I like the way he writes. I didn't like the whole Islamic, doomsday, post 9-11 thing.
Overall grade: B+