Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Affair by Lee Child

Title: The Affair
Author: Lee Child
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: January 26, 2012
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Reacher, local sheriff Elizabeth Deveraux, his boss,Garber ,Colonel John James Frazier in the Pentagon, Senator Riley and his son in the military, another MP Duncan Munro
What happens? Reacher, in March, 1997, is an MP, a colonel (?) and this is the start of the beginning of his life on the road, and the end of his military career. His is sent on a mission to work undercover in Carter Crossing, Missippi, near the Kelham Army base where Bravo company trains. A young woman has been murdered, and Duncan Munro is investigating inside the base, while Deveraux investigates in the town. It turns out two other women were killed, all beautiful. Reacher figures it out and somehow gets sideways with the military (that is downsizing) at the same time.
How long was this? 405 pages
Did I like this? Oh yeah
Overall grade: A

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