Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Exit Music by Ian Rankin

Title:  Exit Music
Author: Ian Rankin
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Aug 24, 2012
When was the book published: 2007
Main Characters: John Rebus, retiring detective, his partner Siobhan Clarke, Russian mobsters and Scottish government officials, young cop Todd Goodyear, Big Gerry Cafferty
What happens?  A Russian dissident poet is murdered, then a sound recording guy who recorded his last performance.  Rebus is retiring, in his last few days, and obsessively pursues his enemy/alter ego Cafferty
How long was this? paperback, 530 pages
Did I like this? ok, some good parts, some slow parts.  would have been better if written in english.
Overall grade: B

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