Saturday, November 24, 2012

Chance by Robert B. Parker

Title:  Chance
Author: Robert B. Parker
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Nov 22, 2012
When was the book published:  1996
Main Characters: Spenser, Hawk, Susan, a bunch of gangsters - Julius Ventura, daughter Shirley, missing husband Anthony Meeker, Fast Eddie Lee, GIno FIsh, Mary Anaheim, wife Bibi
What happens? Spenser gets hired by Ventura to find Meeker when he goes missing.  Hawk refuses the case unless Spenser takes it on.  He knows that he is not being told the truth about what happened, and by the time he finishes, it is hard to tell who he is working for, or who is trying to save.
How long was this? 307 pages
Did I like this? Anytime Hawk, Spenser and Susan are conversing, that makes a good book.  The plot was confusing, but more important, it was really hard to care about anyone that Spenser is trying to save.  As always, read it in about 3 days, couldn't put it down.
Overall grade: B

Mistaken Identity by Lisa Scottoline

Title: MIstaken Identity
Author: Lisa Scottoline
Did I listen or read?: bay books
When did I finish?: November 17, 2012
When was the book published: 1999
Main Characters: Bennie Rosato, head of an all female law firm, and her twin Alice Connolly, accused of murder.  a bunch of crooked cops.  Her boyfriend, Grady.  A guy named Winslow who claims to be her father.  Star Harald the boxer who was coached by Alice's now dead boyfriend cop.  Partners Mary DiNunzio and Judy Carrier
What happens? Connolly reaches out to her with the story of being her twin.  Rosato agrees to defend her, and takes on the cops who appear to have a drug selling conspiracy going.
How long was this? 564 pages
Did I like this?  Pretty good story, stretched out a bit, but no way to guess the ending.
Overall grade: B

Broken Harbor by Tana French

Title: Broken Harbor
Author: Tana French
Did I listen or read?: read - baybooks
When did I finish?: 11/5/2012
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: Mick Scorcher Kennedy, detective, partner Richie, boss O'Kelly, bad cop Quiqley, the Spain family, and Kennedy's crazy sister Dina, wife's sister Fiona
What happens? The Spains are all murdered (father, two kids) and the mother (Jenny) barely survives in their house, a new home in a new suburb that has failed.  Spain had lost his job, and the walls of the house are full of holes from a real/imaginary wild animal.
How long was this? 450 pages
Did I like this? Good story, lots of foreign language to decipher, very different story
Overall grade: B+

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Robert B. Parker's Fool Me Twice by Michael Brandman

Title: Fool Me Twice
Author: Michael Brandman
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Oct 31, 2012
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: Jesse Stone, Molly, Suit, teenage girl Courtney.   actress Marisol and Stone girlfriend Frankie Greenberg
What happens?  3 things.  Courtney runs a red light while texting.  Marisol needs protection from her husband who wants her dead for money.  The local water company is stealing from its customers.  That's right - the water company.  Jesse is in a better state - not pining for his wife anymore.
How long was this?  274 pages
Did I like this? Enjoyable, he gets the Parker style.  Good fast read.
Overall grade: B

Dick Francis's Bloodline by Felix Francis

Title: Bloodline
Author: Felix Francis
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: November 3, 2012
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters:race caller Mark Shillingford, his sister Clare, his father and family (Nicholas, Angela), Mitchell Stacey, horse owner, wife Sarah who is sleeping with Mark, tabloid journalist Toby Woodley
What happens? Clare and Mark fight about her throwing races, and she falls to her death from a hotel room hours later.
How long was this?  352 pages
Did I like this? Felix is close to as good as Dick.  The main thing is the main character, who you always get to know and usually like and root for.  He got this right.
Overall grade: A- (only because of that one plot turn that i didn't like!)