Saturday, November 24, 2012

Broken Harbor by Tana French

Title: Broken Harbor
Author: Tana French
Did I listen or read?: read - baybooks
When did I finish?: 11/5/2012
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: Mick Scorcher Kennedy, detective, partner Richie, boss O'Kelly, bad cop Quiqley, the Spain family, and Kennedy's crazy sister Dina, wife's sister Fiona
What happens? The Spains are all murdered (father, two kids) and the mother (Jenny) barely survives in their house, a new home in a new suburb that has failed.  Spain had lost his job, and the walls of the house are full of holes from a real/imaginary wild animal.
How long was this? 450 pages
Did I like this? Good story, lots of foreign language to decipher, very different story
Overall grade: B+

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