Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Cold Room by Robert Knightly

Title: The Cold Room (Harry Corbin)
Author: Robert Knightly
Did I listen or read?: first iPad book loaned from library
When did I finish?: Jan 18, 2013
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Harry Corbin, girlfriend Adele, dead girl Mynka, Clyde Kelly, the Portola family, Sister Kassia, bad guy Aslan
What happens?  Harry finds a dead body, an immigrant girl who appears to be victim of white slavery.  She has had her insides removed.  Clyde happened to see the guy getting rid of the body, and gives him a clue to lead him to Aslan and some very disturbed rich people.

How long was this? hmmmm - 4964 on my Kindle reader
Did I like this? Considering it was free and available now via the library as an eBook, it was pretty good.  Harry was kind of a bizarre character, went ballistic at the end.  But I would try this author again.
Overall grade: B-

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