Sunday, July 28, 2013

Dark Places by Gillian Flynn

Title: Dark Places
Author: Gillian Flynn
Did I listen or read?: listen, overdrive via library
When did I finish?: July 27, 2013
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters: Libby, Ben, Patty, Debby, Michelle Day - Tray and Deyondra, Runner, aunt Diane
What happens?  Libby is the only survivor when her mother and two sisters are brutally murdered in 1985.  Ben gets convicted, based on Libby's testimony.  Twenty five years later, Libby runs out of money and starts to deal with the aftermath and to find out - What really happened?
How long was this? 11 hours
Did I like this? Loved it, a bit brutal at points, but a great story with an amazing ending.  A little hard to root for the main character at times, but she comes around.
Overall grade: A-

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