Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Broken Shore by Peter Temple

Title: The Broken Shore
Author: Peter Temple
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: Aug 8, 2013
When was the book published: 2005
Main Characters: Joe Cashin, detective, Kendall Rogers, temporary partner, Dove, aboriginal partner on this case, Charles Bourgoyne, Villain, Cashin's old boss
What happens? Cashin is temporarily assigned to a backwater, Cromarty, where Charles Bourgoyne turns up bashed, his watch missing, which leads to some Daunt (local ghetto) natives getting falsely accused and hunted.  Cashin stays with it to find out what really happened.
How long was this? 350 pages
Did I like this? Pretty good, a little hard to follow with the authentic Aussie dialogue, 2nd half much better once the plot picks up.
Overall grade: B

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