Saturday, January 18, 2014

Snow White Must Die by Nele Neuhaus

Title: Snow White Must Die
Author: Nele Neuhaus
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Jan 13, 2014
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters: Pia Kirchhoff and Oliver von Bodenstein are the cops, Tobias Sartorius has just gotten out of jail after serving 10 years for the murder of two girls that he doesn't remember.  The whole town of Altenhain is involved, including actress Nadia von Bredow, and the Lauterbachs and the rich people, the Terlindens
What happens? Tobias gets out of jail, everyone hates him when he returns home, but not because of what he did, but because everyone is involved in some way in the cover up that twists through the entire twisted town.
How long was this? 374 pages
Did I like this? Not much.  Way too many villains, calamaties.  In one day, one guy commits suicide, someone sets fire to the barn, two people are assaulted and mugged.  etc.
Overall grade: C

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