Saturday, March 15, 2014

Just One Evil Act by Elizabeth George

Title: Just One Evil Act
Author: Elizabeth George
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: March 14, 2014
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Barbara Havers, Thomas Lyndley, Isabelle Ardrey, Taymullah and Hadayah Azhar, Barbara Upman, Lorenzo Mura, Salvatore Lo Bianco
What happens? Angela takes Hadayah and disappears, Barbara and Taymullah hire a private detective to find her.  They have gone to Italy to be with a man; then she is kidnapped.  Barbara bends the rules to help Taymullah.
How long was this? 719 pages
Did I like this? I really love these characters and found the story very compelling with twists and turns, wondering if this was the end of Barbara's career.
Overall grade: A-

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