Sunday, September 14, 2014

And When She was Bad by Laura Lippman

Title: And When She was Bad
Author: Laura Lippman
Did I listen or read?: audiobook from library
When did I finish?: Sep 5, 2014
When was the book published:
Main Characters: Heloise nee Helen, ex boyfriend in prison Val, nanny / business partner Aubrey, son Scott, first boyfriend Billy, cop friend Tom
What happens? (Spoiler alert) Helen grows up abused by her father, raised by her single mother, turns into a hooker, goes to work for Val, witnesses him committing murder, and starts her own service.  A brilliant plot goes back to her beginning, while telling the story of increasing complications in her current life.  Fantastic plot twists to the end.
How long was this? 8 hours I think
Did I like this? Got better and better as it progressed, hard to sit through the abuse scenes in the early part of the movie, spectacular ending
Overall grade: A

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Jack of Spies by David Downing

Title: Jack of Spies
Author: David Downing
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Sep 6, 2014
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Jack McColl, auto salesman turned spy, his boss Cummings, brother Jed, co-worker Mac, girlfriend Caitlin Hanley, german spy von Schon, Caitlin's brother, Colm, Irishman Tierney, American Brady
What happens? In the days leading up to World War I, McColl travels the world with Mac and Jed selling a fancy luxury auto.  Cummings gradually lures him into full time spy work, and he goes from China to San Francisco to Mexico spying on the Irish and Germans as they plot against the British.
How long was this?  338 pages
Did I like this? top notch spy thriller with romance.  
Overall grade: A-