Sunday, September 14, 2014

And When She was Bad by Laura Lippman

Title: And When She was Bad
Author: Laura Lippman
Did I listen or read?: audiobook from library
When did I finish?: Sep 5, 2014
When was the book published:
Main Characters: Heloise nee Helen, ex boyfriend in prison Val, nanny / business partner Aubrey, son Scott, first boyfriend Billy, cop friend Tom
What happens? (Spoiler alert) Helen grows up abused by her father, raised by her single mother, turns into a hooker, goes to work for Val, witnesses him committing murder, and starts her own service.  A brilliant plot goes back to her beginning, while telling the story of increasing complications in her current life.  Fantastic plot twists to the end.
How long was this? 8 hours I think
Did I like this? Got better and better as it progressed, hard to sit through the abuse scenes in the early part of the movie, spectacular ending
Overall grade: A

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