Sunday, October 5, 2014

Don't Ever Look Back by Daniel Freidman

Title: Don't Ever Look Back
Author: Daniel Freidman
Did I listen or read?: audio book from library
When did I finish?: 9/26/2014
When was the book published:
Main Characters: Buck Schatz, 88 year old retired detective, Elijah long time nemesis bank robber
What happens? Buck defies his wife and gets involved with Elijah who claims he wants to surrender for protection, and flashes back to 1965 when Elijah robbed the biggest bank in Memphis in the middle of race riots due to a labor strike.
How long was this? 8 hours
Did I like this? Pretty good.  Buck is really annoying, but after a while I got used to his cantankerous rambling and the plot was pretty good.
Overall grade: B

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