Friday, December 26, 2014

Me Before You by JoJo Moyes

Title: Me Before You
Author: JoJo Moyes
Did I listen or read?: Nook eBook
When did I finish?: December 24, 2014
When was the book published:
Main Characters: Will, the quadraplegic, Ms. Clark, who takes care of him, her sister Treena, his mother and father, the assistant guy who helps him
What happens?  Ms. Clark loses her job at the bakery and takes a well paying job being friend to Will, a wealthy successful man who has a C5/C6 spinal injury.  She takes the job and puts up with his ornery nature, and then finds a very disturbing secret.  SPOILER ALERT that he has decided to end his life - and she has six months to change his mind.
How long was this?  330 pages
Did I like this? Sensational, Moyes' characters always hit home for me, and this story is gut wrenching.  I couldn't put it down - and a got a bird's eye view into the mind and life of a quadraplegic.
Overall grade: A

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