Monday, May 25, 2015

Accused by Lisa Scottoline

Title: Accused
Author: Lisa Scottoline
Did I listen or read?: book
When did I finish?: May 21, 2015
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Bennie Rosato's law firm, Mary Dinunzio, her parents, best fried Judy, Allegra Gardner, Lonnie Stall.
What happens?  Mary is named partner, and Allegra comes in and insists that Lonnie Stall did not kill her sister 6 years go.  Mary gets major opposition from the wealthy Gardner family but takes the case on as she struggles with her commitment to her fiance Anthony. 
How long was this? 372 pages
Did I like this? Very Janet-Evanovich like.  Humorous family and 3 guys named Tony.  Great story with lots of laughs and a good plot, hard to tell who the good guys are.  Will have to read more Rosato series stories.
Overall grade: A-

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