Monday, September 7, 2015

Palace of Treason by Jason Matthews

Title: Palace of Treason
Author: Jason Matthews
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: September 7, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Dominika Egorova, Nate Nash, bosses Gable and , Russians Zarubina (Wash CSO) and Dominika's boss Zygurova
What happens? Dominika is undercover in Russia, getting close to Putin and the Iranians are getting the ability to farm nuclear grade material and a US top spy becomes traitor TRITON and MARBLE is killed during a swap for Dominika and...
How long was this? 410 pages
Did I like this? The second half was a bit better, the main style is to be excruciatingly accurate about the details of being a spy.  Once the action got going it was OK.
Overall grade: C

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