Sunday, April 17, 2016

Refusal by Felix Francis

Title: Refusal
Author: Felix Francis
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: April 17, 2016
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Sid Halley, wife Marina, daughter Sassie, the Admiral Charles, Sir Richard Stewart, Irishman McCusker, Peter Medicos, head of the BHA
What happens? Sid is 6 years retired from detective work, managing investments.  Sir Richard wants him to investigate race fixing, gives him a list of suspect races, and is found dead the next day from a supposed suicide.  McCusker threatens him and makes him sign a letter stating that he investigated and found nothing.  Sid is also working on getting a hand transplant.
How long was this? 371 pages
Did I like this? Read it in one weekend, when is the next Sid book coming?
Overall grade: A

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