Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Double Bind by Chris Bohjalian

Title: The Double Bind
Author: Chris Bohjalian
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: 5/29/16
When was the book published: 2007
Main Characters: Laurel Eastabrook, roommate Talia, boyfriend David, Whit, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan,  Bobbie Crocker
What happens?  Laurel is assaulted and raped and run over by a car in a park in Underhill, Vermont.  7 years later she is working at a homeless shelter in Burlington.  Bobbie Crocker is a homeless man who dies and leaves behind a bunch of photos from his life.  Laurel's boss passes the photos to her to create a tribute photo show.  Laurel decides that Bobbie is the long lost son of Daisy and Tom Buchanan.  She becomes obsessed with researching this.
How long was this? 360 pages
Did I like this? My least favorite of his books, a very unsatisfying ending revealing an unsatisfying premise throughout the book
Overall grade: C+

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