Saturday, October 15, 2016

End of Watch by Stephen King

Title: End of Watch
Author: Stephen King
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: October 10, 2016
When was the book published: 2016
Main Characters: Bill Hodges, Jerome Robinson and Holly, the retired copy - college kid - neurotic woman detective agency, Bill's former partner Pete and his new partnery (Izzy?), Mr. Mercedes - Brady Hartsfield and his alter egos Dr. Babineau and the old guy who pushes the hospital reading cart
What happens?  Brady's brain starts working in sinister and supernatural ways and Hodges has to figure it out (with Holly's help) and finish him.
How long was this? 432 pages
Did I like this? Very good, I can live with it the bad guy having mental powers, but it was exciting, compelling, page-turning fun.
Overall grade: A-

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