Friday, November 11, 2016

Sweet Lamb of Heaven by Lydia Millet

Title: Sweet Lamb of Heaven
Author: Lydia Millet
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 11/11/2016
When was the book published: 2016
Main Characters: Anna, daughter Lena, husband Ned, Don who runs the motel, boyfriend Will, Kaye, Burke and Gabe, the two Lindas, brother Solly
What happens? Anna gets pregnant with Lena, Ned wants nothing to do with her, Anna runs away from Anchorage to a motel in Maine and hides, Ned becomes a politician and wants her back.
How long was this? 250 pages
Did I like this? At times yes, at times the stuff about language and God just lost me
Overall grade: B+

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