Friday, May 26, 2017

A Great Reckoning by Louise Penny

Title: A Great Reckoning
Author: Louise Penny
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 20, 2017
When was the book published: 2016
Main Characters: Armand Gamache, cadets Amelia Choquet, Nathaniel, Jacques and Huifen, wife Reine-Marie, poet Ruth, artist Claire, gay innkeepers Olivier and , the duke Leduc
What happens? Gamache is recovering from some monstrous event while being a superstar detective at La Surete, and he takes over the academy for police, which is corrupt and evil.  In his home village of Three Pines, someone finds a mysterious orienteering map in a wall at Olivier's pub.
How long was this? 389 pages
Did I like this? Overall very good, a bit dense with a couple of seemingly unrelated plot lines held together tentatively at times, a wild mix of characters.  But no question, well written and compelling
Overall grade: B+

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