Tuesday, March 26, 2019

AIQ by Nick Polson and James Scott

Title: AIQ
Author: Nick Polson and James Scott
Did I listen or read?: Alation library via Powells in Portland
When did I finish?: March 26 2019
When was the book published:
Main Characters:
What happens?
*The number 1 thing to recommend this books is how much this guy stresses that humans and machines working together are where the power is.* The main things that are AI topics that he covers are:
1. Conditional Probabilities
2. Pattern Recognition
3. Bayes Networks
4. Language Processing
5. Anomaly Detection in Data Sets
6. Florence Nightingale (how great will AI be in the medical field, and what are the obstacles it faces)
7. Big data and assumptions
How long was this? 241 pages
Did I like this? Top notch, great stories, humor and good foundation
Overall grade: A-

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