Saturday, May 11, 2019

Watch Me Disappear by Janelle Brown

Title: Watch Me Disappear
Author: Janelle Brown
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 3, 2019
When was the book published: 2018
Main Characters: Jonathan and daughter Olive abandoned by Billie, mother who died or ran away.   Billie's friend Harmony
What happens?  Olive starts having waking visions of her mother, and Jonathan starts to find out the truth about Billie's life, and they try to find out what really happened to her.
How long was this? 358 pages
Did I like this?  It was pretty good, yeah.  A little frustrating that he doesn't (eventually) turn to his daughter and say "ok, you want in, I will tell you everything I know, 100% truth, and we'll be partners in this." 
Overall grade: B+

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