Monday, July 15, 2019

Stolen by Allison Brennan

Title: Stolen
Author: Alison Brennan
Did I listen or read?: library paperback
When did I finish?: July 15, 2019
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Sean Rogan, Lucy Kincaid, Colton, Senator Jonathan Paxton, Noah the FBI guy
What happens? Sean gets sucked back into the semi illegal Robin Hood hacker biz to help Colton take down the company that killed his brother, but he's secretly working for the FBI undercover to nail the senator who's blackmailing him.
How long was this? 360 pages
Did I like this?  I don't like her writing style.  Why stop and list every question in a character's head every page and a half.  Mediocre
Overall grade: B-

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