Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Shadow Wife by Diane Chamberlain

Title: The Shadow Wife
Author: Diane Chamberlain
Did I listen or read?: audible
When did I finish?: Dec 22, 2019
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Joelle, Mara in a coma, Liam the husband, Carlynn Shire the faith healer
What happens? Mara has a stroke while giving birth, becomes a vegetable.  Joelle (best friend) and Liam take care of her, fall in love.  Carylnn (in Big Sur in the mid sixties) saves Joelle's life when she is born to Johnny Angel and wife.
How long was this? 384 pages
Did I like this? Well done, good story, moves fast.  Recognizes the existence of faith healers.
Overall grade: A-

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