Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Last Trial by Scott Turow

 Title:  The Last Trial
Author: Scott Turow
Did I listen or read?: Kindle
When did I finish?: August 10, 2020

When was the book published: 2020
Main Characters: Sandy Stern, Kiril Pafko, Lev Pavko, Innis, daughter Marta, granddaughter Pinky, Olga
What happens? Sandy is 85 and agrees for his last case to defend his philandering friend on murder and stock fraud charges after his Nobel prize winning cancer medicine starts causing allergic reactions, and someone buries the test results.
How long was this? 464 pages
Did I like this? Great plot, reveals how the characters are thinking without being slow or boring.  Wish he would come out with more, more often
Overall grade: A

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