Saturday, October 30, 2021

Silverview by John le Carre

 Title: Silverview

Author: John le Carre
Did I listen or read?: audible
When did I finish?: October 29, 2021
When was the book published: 2021 - le Carre's last book
Main Characters: Ted Avon, wife Deborah, book store owner and former hedge fund manager, Julian Lawnsley, Ted's daughter, Lily.  Agent Proctor investigates Teddy.
What happens? Julian moves to a small town and buys a book shop.  Teddy involves him in his bizarre schemes.  
How long was this? 224 pages
Did I like this? Normal le Carre.  Interesting characters.  Immersion in the UK.  mysterious plot that is hard to follow or understand even when it is over.
Overall grade: B+

Harlem Shuffle by Colson Whitehead

Title: Harlem Shuffle
Author: Colson Whitehead
Did I listen or read?: audible
When did I finish?: Oct 23, 2020
When was the book published: 2021 
Main Characters: Ray Carney, furniture store owner, wife Elizabeth, cousin Freddy
What happens? A series of 3  or 4 short stories about Carney's life in the late 50's and 60's.  He builds a life, but has a split personality with one foot in the criminal world.
How long was this? 318 pages
Did I like this?  Entertaining, great characters but the plot just kind of meanders and I wasn't smart enough to know what was going on. Really would make a great TV series. first 3 seasons already written.
Overall grade:B


Something in the Water by Catherine Steadman

 Title: Something in the Water

Author: Catherine Steadman
Did I listen or read?: kindle
When did I finish?: October 16, 2020
When was the book published: 2018
Main Characters: Erin, documentarian.  Mark, husband, investment banker
What happens? Erin and Mark are on their honeymoon and go scuba diving and find a crashed plane and a bag full of loot.  Bad stuff happens
How long was this? 342 pages
Did I like this?  Entertaining, but kinda hard to believe.  'I won't tell him now, I'll wait for a good time.'
Overall grade: B-

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Watching You by Lisa Jewell

 Title: Watching You

Author: Lisa Jewell
Did I listen or read?:  kindle
When did I finish?: October 3, 2021
When was the book published: 2018
Main Characters: Residents of Melville Heights, Joey and Husband living with her brother and wife, Tom Fitzwilliam who is the headmaster who fixes broken schools. Tom's son Freddie and his much younger wife, teenager Jenna and her crazy mother
What happens? Someone gets murdered at the beginning.  Let's figure out who it is and who did it.
How long was this? 320 pages
Did I like this? Pretty good, some coincidental coming together in Melville that didn't add up
Overall grade: B+

We Were Never Here by Andrea Bartz

 Title: We Were Never Here

Author: Andrea Bartz
Did I listen or read?: kindle
When did I finish?: 9/26/2021
When was the book published: 2021
Main Characters: Emily and Kristen
What happens? Emily and Kristen are best friends and they go on backpacking trips, and Emily gets assaulted and Kristen kills the dude.  Next year, another trip, Kristen kills a guy who attacks here.  It's a pattern, right?
How long was this? 304 pages
Did I like this? It was OK
Overall grade: B+