Saturday, October 30, 2021

Silverview by John le Carre

 Title: Silverview

Author: John le Carre
Did I listen or read?: audible
When did I finish?: October 29, 2021
When was the book published: 2021 - le Carre's last book
Main Characters: Ted Avon, wife Deborah, book store owner and former hedge fund manager, Julian Lawnsley, Ted's daughter, Lily.  Agent Proctor investigates Teddy.
What happens? Julian moves to a small town and buys a book shop.  Teddy involves him in his bizarre schemes.  
How long was this? 224 pages
Did I like this? Normal le Carre.  Interesting characters.  Immersion in the UK.  mysterious plot that is hard to follow or understand even when it is over.
Overall grade: B+

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