Saturday, March 19, 2022

American Spy by Lauren Wilkinson

Title: American Spy
Author: Lauren Wilkinson
Did I listen or read?: Powell's paperback
When did I finish?: March 16, 2022
When was the book published: 2019
Main Characters: Marie Mitchell, Thomas Sankara, Ross (FBI), Salter (CIA)
What happens? Marie's sister Helene dies in a car accident, and she pursues FBI work.  The CIA recruits her to go undercover in Burkina Faso, where Sankara has taken control ala Castro.
How long was this? 294 pages
Did I like this? It's a solid idea, and the jumping around in time thing means that you are frustrated trying to figure out what is going on to whom.  It comes together at the end, except she didn't write the ending which really sucked.
Overall grade: B-


Sunday, March 6, 2022

Resurrection Men by Ian Rankin

 Title: Resurrection Man

Author: Ian Rankin
Did I listen or read?:
When did I finish?:
When was the book published:
Main Characters: John Rebus, Siobhan Clark, their boss Jill Templar, boss of bosses Strathairn, Gerry Cafferty, dirty cops Ward, Gray and McCollough
What happens? Rebus gets sent to Tully Allen intentionally by throwing his teacup at Templar, on Strathairn's orders, to find out if the dirty cops are dirty.  They wind up investigation the Lomax murder and Dicky Diamond's involvement, and Siobhan keeps working on the art dealer Marbler's murder
How long was this? 14 hours 41 minutes
Did I like this? Good story, a bit confusing in the middle, but exciting and well done
Overall grade: A-

Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Order by Daniel Silva

 Title: The Order

Author: Daniel Silva
Did I listen or read?: Powell's paperback
When did I finish?: March 4, 2022
When was the book published: 2020
Main Characters: Gabriel Allon and wife, Pope, assistant to pope Luigi Donati.  A bunch of bad guys called the Order
What happens?  Chiara forces Gabriel on vacation, but the Pope dies and he is called in to investigate, by Donati, who was away on that Thursday night.  Allon winds up researching the church's claim that the Jews killed Christ, looking for a mysterious book.
How long was this?  436 pages
Did I like this? really good, action and some education also
Overall grade: A-

User Friendly by Cliff Kuang with Robert Fabricant

Title:  User Friendly
Author: Cliff Kuang with Robert Fabricant
Did I listen or read?: powell's paperback
When did I finish?: February 27, 2022
When was the book published: 2019
Main Characters: how the hidden rule of design are changing the way we work, live and play
What happens? not about UIs in software specifically.  A good history of design with lots of interesting stories.  wanders a bit, but useful knowledge
How long was this? 330 pages
Did I like this? has some bad guys (tesla) or bad examples (the brilliance of self driving cars) that I don't think hold up, but his main points are generally on target
Overall grade: B+