Saturday, March 19, 2022

American Spy by Lauren Wilkinson

Title: American Spy
Author: Lauren Wilkinson
Did I listen or read?: Powell's paperback
When did I finish?: March 16, 2022
When was the book published: 2019
Main Characters: Marie Mitchell, Thomas Sankara, Ross (FBI), Salter (CIA)
What happens? Marie's sister Helene dies in a car accident, and she pursues FBI work.  The CIA recruits her to go undercover in Burkina Faso, where Sankara has taken control ala Castro.
How long was this? 294 pages
Did I like this? It's a solid idea, and the jumping around in time thing means that you are frustrated trying to figure out what is going on to whom.  It comes together at the end, except she didn't write the ending which really sucked.
Overall grade: B-


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