Monday, May 30, 2022

The Truth about Melody Browne by Lisa Jewell

Title: The Truth about Melody Browne

Author: Lisa Jewell
Did I listen or read?:  Kindle
When did I finish?: May 22, 2020
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters:  Melody Browne,
What happens? Melody's house burns down when she is 9.  She forgets her whole life before that.  When she is on a date, they go to a hypnotist and she is sent back to 5 years old and starts remembering it all.  Her baby brother died, and her mother flipped out, and she lived by Ken, the free love guy, and her father moved to LA.
How long was this?  326 pages
Did I like this?  Really nice story.
Overall grade: B+

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