Thursday, March 9, 2023

Fairy Tale by Stephen King

 Title: Fairy Tale

Author: Stephen King
Did I listen or read?: audible
When did I finish?: February 9, 2023
When was the book published: 2022
Main Characters: Charlie Reade, his father, neighbor Mr. Bowditch, and of course, Dora, flightkiller, "I", Percival, Princess Leah, 
What happens? Charlie helps Mr. Bowditch when he fell off the roof.  Bowditch is a curmudgeon but opens up to young Charlie, and passes away, leaving him the secret to ...  a  fairy tale.
How long was this? 600 pages
Did I like this?  Considering how long it was, pretty good.  The beginning with the two characters and old Radar was great, and the last 3/4s was the fairy tale.  The dungeon part got a bit old.  
Overall grade: B+

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