Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Two Nights in Lisbon by Chris Pavone

 Title: Two Nights in Lisbon

Author: Chris Pavone
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: April 5, 2023
When was the book published: 2022
Main Characters: Ariel, John, son George, CIA (Griffiths), Spanish police (Moniz and Sanots)
What happens? Ariel and John are in Lisbon on business, and he is kidnapped.  She goes for the money to a man from her mysterious past.  The CIA and Spanish police get involved.
How long was this? 432 pages
Did I like this?  good story, moves fast, lots of twists and turns, a bit too much hinting about the mysterious past and who is involved
Overall grade: A-

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