Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Deserter by Nelson DeMille and Alex DeMille

 Title: The Deserter

Author: Nelson DeMille and Alex DeMille
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 20, 2023
When was the book published: 2019
Main Characters: Kyle Mercer the deserter, Maggie Taylor and Scott Brodie, the two CID looking for Kyle, Worley - the CIA mastermind
What happens? Mercer goes AWOL, gets caught and held by the Taliban for 2 years, randomly spotted in Venezuala, and CID goes looking for him
How long was this? 528 pages
Did I like this? a good story, a bit annoying that Brodie is constantly thinking about sex with his partner, but action packed and fast moving
Overall grade: B+

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Mad Honey by Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan

 Title: Mad Honey

Author: Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 5/10/2023
When was the book published: 2022
Main Characters: Olivia, the beekeeper, Asher her son.  Ava, the forest ranger, and her daugher Lily.  Maya, Asher's lifelong best friend
What happens? Asher and Lily have a tumultuous romance and then she is found dead at the bottom of the stairs.  Asher finds her and is charged with her murder
How long was this? 432 pages
Did I like this? exceptional story, with the bee keeping and the social aspect
Overall grade: A+

Monday, May 8, 2023

Made to Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

 Title: Made to Stick

Author: Chip Heath and Dan Heath
Did I listen or read?: book
When did I finish?: May 7 2023
When was the book published: 2007
Main Characters:
What happens?
How long was this? 250 pages
Did I like this? one of the best biz books ever
Overall grade: A

Storm Watch by C.J. Box

 Title: Storm Watch

Author: C.J. Box
Did I listen or read?: audible
When did I finish?: May 6 2023
When was the book published: 2023
Main Characters: Joe Pickett, Sheridan, MaryBeth, Nate R, his new friend, the old governor, the new governor, Missy.
What happens? Joe stumbles on a dead UW professor stuck in a crypto mining pod, and Nate gets sucked into a scheme to find right wing extremists.
How long was this? 368 pages
Did I like this? I wasn't aware that the Deep State, the Coastal Elite, the Federal Gov't and the FBI are in a conspiracy to ruin Wyoming.  It seems that the right wing extremists aren't really dangerous, that there are a bunch of FBI agents conspiring to entice them into being dangerous.  Joe is still the best character around.
Overall grade: B+

Thursday, May 4, 2023

All the Dangerous Things by Stacy Willingham

 Title: All the Dangerous Things

Author: Stact Willingham
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 3, 2023
When was the book published: 2023
Main Characters: Isabelle, kidnapped son, Mason, her sister from her youth, Margaret, ex-husband Ben
What happens? Mason is kidnaped, Isabelle can't sleep.  Ben's got a new girl
How long was this? 320 pages
Did I like this? Yes, a page turner.  Complex female characters.
Overall grade: B+