Monday, May 8, 2023

Storm Watch by C.J. Box

 Title: Storm Watch

Author: C.J. Box
Did I listen or read?: audible
When did I finish?: May 6 2023
When was the book published: 2023
Main Characters: Joe Pickett, Sheridan, MaryBeth, Nate R, his new friend, the old governor, the new governor, Missy.
What happens? Joe stumbles on a dead UW professor stuck in a crypto mining pod, and Nate gets sucked into a scheme to find right wing extremists.
How long was this? 368 pages
Did I like this? I wasn't aware that the Deep State, the Coastal Elite, the Federal Gov't and the FBI are in a conspiracy to ruin Wyoming.  It seems that the right wing extremists aren't really dangerous, that there are a bunch of FBI agents conspiring to entice them into being dangerous.  Joe is still the best character around.
Overall grade: B+

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