Monday, July 10, 2023

Mrs. Everything by Jennifer Weiner

 Title: Mrs. Everything

Author: Jennifer Weiner 
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: July 10, 2023
When was the book published: 2019
Main Characters: Jo, lesbian older sister, Bethie, younger sister, Sarah, mother, Dave, Jo's husband, Jo's daughters Kim, Missy, Lila. The love of Jo's life, Shelley
What happens? Starts in the 50's with Jo a great athlete in high school, Bethie becomes a party girl.  Follows their life through ups and downs, till cancer gets Jo
How long was this? 464 pages
Did I like this? Really good story, good characters, people who make mistakes, people who grow and change - mostly women
Overall grade: A-

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